Blíži sa magický čas Vianoc. Pre každého je niečím krásny, tešíme sa na rodinnú pohodu, na darčeky, pospevujeme si vianočné melódie a premýšľame čím a ako potešíme ľudí, ktorých máme radi. Aj my chceme prispieť k vianočnej nálade a urobiť Vám radosť a preto sme tu s našim vianočným balíčkom, fantastickým kitom Christmas Time od Collab Girls. Rozhodli sme sa opustiť osvedčenú farebnú klasiku a pripravili sme elementy, papiere, alphu a wordarty v nezvyčajných, ale krásnych farbách.
Collab kit Christmas Time obsahuje 174 elementov, 49 papierov, 2 abecedy, 20 WA a 4 masky.
Collab kit Christmas Time obsahuje 174 elementov, 49 papierov, 2 abecedy, 20 WA a 4 masky.
The magical Christmas time is coming again. This time is somehow really special for all of us. We are looking forward to family atmosphere, gifts, singing carols and we are also looking for things that can make our families and friends happy.
We also wanted to contribute to this catchy Christmas spirit and delight you, so here we are with our Christmas pack - fantastic collab kit "Christmas Time" from Collab girls. We decided to leave the traditional colours behind, and prepared elements, papers, alpha and wordarts in maybe unusual, but really splendid colours.
Collab kit Christmas Time includes 174 elements, 49 papers, 2 alphas, 20 WAs and 4 photomasks.
We also wanted to contribute to this catchy Christmas spirit and delight you, so here we are with our Christmas pack - fantastic collab kit "Christmas Time" from Collab girls. We decided to leave the traditional colours behind, and prepared elements, papers, alpha and wordarts in maybe unusual, but really splendid colours.
Collab kit Christmas Time includes 174 elements, 49 papers, 2 alphas, 20 WAs and 4 photomasks.
Užite si Vianoce, užite si Christmas Time...
Enjoy Christmas...enjoy the Christmas Time....